
Diana Redmond

Diana Redmond: “The Enneagram addresses the paradox of life”

The Enneagram is such a beautiful way of finding out who we really are and addressing the paradoxes of life. I wish for everyone to come into a deep acceptance of themselves and their unique expression. Diana Redmond in Enneagram Insights podcast     In this episode Flemming Christensen is interviewing Diana Redmond.    

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Julie Harris

Julie Harris: Coming into contact with Essence

I’m teaching a lot about these underlying emotions in each center, of anger, shame, grief, and fear, which is something that gets talked about in the Enneagram world. But I realized, I don’t think that I’ve ever been to a class where I’ve really worked with those emotions. Julie Harris   Interview with Julie Harris

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Safy Mousa

“Work on yourself and heal generations” Safy Mousa

So what I learned from Sufism and Enneagram, Safi, love yourself more, take care of yourself more, be you, be authentic, be who you are. Interview with Safy Mousa in Enneagram Insights     Safy Mousa is a scientist and also practises Sufism.     She is an Enneagram teacher and has a holistic approach.

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Nhien Vuong

Nhien Vuong: I thought I related to Enneagram type 1

The type 3 descriptions are often cliche, stereotypical. Everyone’s just ambitious and compatetive. And I was like, that doesn’t match my life experience. But his description talked about this idea of wanting to live as an exemplary human being. And I remember all my life, I thought, if I lived in such a way that

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Mai Ashour Enneagram

Mai Ashour: We need the Enneagram in drama and art

The Enneagram need to be put in drama. In theatres, in novels, in movies, in series. Why not let the Enneagram  to be known through the world from drama and poetry? Why not? People act the types. And the Enneagram shows us how to deal with those types.   Interview with Mai Ashour    

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Shaimaa Refaat

Shaimaa Refaat: The Enneagram taught me that I have a self

You know what hit me first when I started learning the Enneagram? That I have a self. Leading from a type Nine, it hit me very strongly that I have a self to begin with. So if you are asking me if the Enneagram would help anyone? Yes. And it’s not theoretical, it was impactful.

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Rania Hussein

Rania Hussein: “The Enneagram gave me my smile back”

The Enneagram helped me to get in touch with my inner territory, my inner landscape, and to understand  people around me better. The Enneagram gave me my life back, it gave me my smile back. Because these are things that I had lost along the way. Rania Hussein interview in Enneagram Insights podcast   Rania

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Russ Hudson Podcast

What is being Developed in Personal Development? Russ Hudson

The Enneagram work certainly can have an effect on the personality, but it’s really about working on a deeper part of us. When we’re looking at what the Enneagram is originally intended to develop, it’s more about the development of essence. It’s soul work. It’s like the raw material of what we are born with

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Blind enneagram

Blind Enneagram Type: Discover your Blindness

The blindness neglects part of me, part of my type. So if I work on my blindness in my blind type, I will actually create openings in my primary type because my blind type has negative assumptions that are holding my primary type down or back. Your blind type would be qualities that you do

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Blind Spots the enneagram

How to find and accept your Blind Spots

The Enneagram is about accepting your blind spots.  Actually seeing what is preventing you from a real life. For me it’s like taking my type and putting it aside a little bit.  And see how is life like when my type is not running the show all the time. But I have to accept part

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Khaled ElSherbini

“The Enneagram is a core tool for Awakening” Dr. Khaled ElSherbini

The Enneagram Teacher Dr. Khaled ElSherbini is a guest in “Enneagram Insights Podcast – On Awareness, Presence and relationships”. Khaled is the founder of the school Enneagram Egypt. He talks to Flemming Christensen about how the Enneagram found him. And how the Enneagram for him is a tool for awakening. This is a conversation about

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The Practical Enneagram by Rezzan Huseyin

Interview by Rezzan Huseyin about the new book

This interview with Rezzan Huseyin evolved into an interesting conversation, being more a conversation between to Enneagram-enthusiasts, than a formal interview. Based on a new book, “The Enneagram and why your blind type matters” we talked about “blind Enneagram types” and how being blind in one type and not another, shapes our assumptions for us.

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Why do we search for meaning by Russ Hudson and Flemming Christensen

Russ Hudson about searching for meaning

In this interview with Russ Hudson, we are talking about why we are searching for meaning and purpose in life. We all need a sense of meaning and purpose in life, and without we will have a greater sense of difficulties, frustrations, pain, and dissatisfaction. With the sense of meaning also comes handling difficulties more

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