
Russ Hudson is being interviewed by Flemming Christensen

Interview of Russ Hudson by Flemming Christensen

Russ Hudson has been presenting his new material in Denmark since 2002   I met Russ Hudson back in 2001 when he was teaching together with Don Richard Riso. It was my first meeting with the founders of the Enneagram Institute, and I joined Enneagram Part 1 together with a group of 30 enthusiastic learners,

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Body of Enneagram Type 3 - Flemming Christensen

Perfect somatic timing – The body of Enneagram Type 3

Every type in Enneagram is represented in what is called the three centers. And you can master or balance all three centers depending on what type you relate to the most. In this article, I will write about the somatic or body-center of Enneagram Type 3. The three centers of the Enneagram If you have

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Enneagram video 3 / 3

Combining the original teaching of the Enneagram with modern psychology creates an Enneagram Life Theme. Your Enneagram Life Theme is a psychological pattern you have brought with you in all your professional and personal relationships. Understanding those patterns you will build new skills to create and maintain healthy relationships. This is the third video in

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Enneagram video 2 / 3

Feedback and experiences from more than 440 students are now included in the training program. Understanding your blind Enneagram type can become a new path to building new skills using the Enneagram. Video about how to find your blind Enneagram type This is the second video in my mini-series about the new workshop based on

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Enneagram video 1 / 3 about the power of your blind Enneagram type

Understanding your blind Enneagram type will bring you a deeper understanding of people around you who is having your blind type as their primary type. The series of three Enneagram videos will guide you to a deeper understanding of the power of your blind Enneagram type. Enneagram video explaining the power of your blind type

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Where did they learn it - video - Flemming Christensen and Russ Hudson

Where did the ”fathers of the Enneagram” get their experience from?

Watch this video about the origin of the teachings for Gurdjieff and Oscar and thereby also the origin of the teaching most Enneagram enthusiasts have received. This video is part of a year long program called “Conversation with my teacher”, where I ask Russ Hudson to explain topics not so commonly known by Enneagram students.

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Do we need a new book - video - Flemming Christensen

Do we need a new book about the Enneagram?

Why do we need a new book about the Enneagram, and what could you benefit from reading the book? In this video, you can get a quick intro to how the covid-19 pandemic opened up a new way of working with the Enneagram and how 400 students found new keys to unlocking their work with

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