The Enneagram is about living life, not just talking about it. Islam Abokandil

Islam Abokandil

I’m a big believer that the transformation is completely different than change. The Enneagram is not about the behavior. It’s more about where are you coming from. And once you connect with where you’re coming from, you can take yourself and take your life to beyond your limitations and beyond what you expect.


Islam Abokandil in Enneagram Insights Podcast


This is an interview with Islam Abokandil by Flemming Christensen.



Islam Abokandil is a renowned Egyptian Enneagram teacher and the founder of the company Transcend. He is also a sponsor for the IEA Egypt Conference in 2024 and will give a talk about the loops.



Islam Abokandil is supporting individuals and companies to transform.



Transcend Egypt assists their clients to move forward beyond the limitation they perceive about themselves, and the limitation they perceive about their business.



Islam Abokandil relates to type 1 in the Enneagram.



In this episode Islam is using transformational coaching on Flemming Christensen.




(Read articles and listen to podcast from the IEA Egypt Conference in Cairo 2024)


The Enneagram and Islam Abokandil


In this episode of Enneagram Insights podcast you can also hear about:



✔ Islam Abokandil´s calling and Enneagram Journey



✔ How to spot out internal and external loops with the Enneagram



✔ How to work with the active energy, the receptive energy and the reconciling energy



✔ A reminder to be aware of the spiritual bypass when working with the Enneagram



✔ The wish for the Enneagram Conference in Egypt to be a platform for connection, exchanging ideas and thoughts, for cooperation and coexistence



✔ The wish for the future and the Enneagram




Islam Abokandil iea egypt
Islam Abokandil is a speaker on the Enneagram and loops at the IEA Egypt Conference in 2024.


Islam Abokandil quotes from the Episode



Beyond limitations



Islam Abokandil: 


“I’m a big believer that the transformation is completely different than change.



The Enneagram is not about the behavior.



It’s more about where are you coming from. And once you connect with where you’re coming from, you can take yourself and take your life to beyond your limitations and beyond what you expect.”



A platform for coexistence and Enneagram Enthusiasts



Islam Abokandil: 



“As a sponsor I hope the IEA Conference in Egypt will be a platform for connecting people, a platform for exchanging ideas, exchanging thoughts, a platform for cooperation and coexistence, and a platform for understanding how things happen in our world.



We want Enneagram enthusiasts from all over the world to come together so we can talk, exchange ideas and we can open our hearts and our minds and put everything on the table and take it from there.”



The Loops and the coaching of Flemming Christensen


Islam Abokandil: 



“First you identify a loop and the new habits that you need to integrate, so you are not falling in that loop.



Second question is what motivates such a previous habit, and how can you change it.



To work with that, you need to work with the three kinds of energies that the Enneagram is telling us. You need to work with the active energy, the receptive energy and the reconciling energy. And as we all know, the type 3 is more into active energy. So now how can I use the receptive energy more? How can I listen?



And listening is starting from the inside, not only listening to the people outside. How can I listen to my deep feelings?



What prevents me from getting into my deep feelings and listening to it? The type 3 belongs to the heart center and the heart center is connected with the heart.”



IEA Egypt enneagram




Transcend Egypt


IEA Egypt Conference 2024


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