“Work on yourself and heal generations” Safy Mousa

Safy Mousa

So what I learned from Sufism and Enneagram, Safi, love yourself more, take care of yourself more, be you, be authentic, be who you are.

Interview with Safy Mousa in Enneagram Insights



Safy Mousa is a scientist and also practises Sufism.



She is an Enneagram teacher and has a holistic approach.



Safy Mousa envisions a world where individuals are not only successful in their professional pursuits but also lead balanced, fulfilling lives.



She relates to point 2, and is an Egyptian woman living in Dubai. Listen to this conversation in Enneagram Insights podcast in which she talks to Charlotte Heje Haase about:



✔️ Her own inner journey and Enneagram lineage



✔️ The power of unlearning



✔️ We are all of the types and none of the types



✔️ Unconditional love and how to show yourself love first in order to be of true service of others



✔️ On how to heal 7 generations before us – and after us – through working with ourselves



✔️ Life is about planting seeds



Listen to the Enneagram Insights podcast on your favorite podcast app.







Safy Mousa quotes from Enneagram Insights podcast



Hiding – and discovering the inner beliefs of type two



Charlotte: “How was your Enneagram Journey?”



Safy Mousa: “I had no plans at all to work with the Enneagram. I already had my inner journey and my biochemistry degree and I had my clinic for seven years in Dubai at that point.



But I discovered with Enneagram the answers that I had never found elsewhere.



I kept asking myself why am I stuck?



The Enneagram gave the key to answer why I was always hiding behind someone else.



I discovered the survival techniques or strategy that I used to make everybody love me. I thought if I was too strong – people will not love me. So I have to settle.



And when I discovered this from the patterns, the loops and definitely my type, I relate to type two, and this is definitely something in the core, the core desire, the core limiting beliefs.



I was always kind of convinced myself, my inner critic, my inner voice is always telling me, no, stop. Even if you can take this step, let someone else take it, help him or help her until I reached a point where I was feeling comfortable in my own skin now that I am here doing this podcast with you.”



Love yourself



Safy Mousa: “I learned from my journey, if you are a dry well, you just can’t provide water.



If you are a factory of cookies and you don’t have the right ingredients to do the perfect cookie and you arrive running out of all the ingredients, right ingredients, the quality of the cookies, even in your relationships you are giving, it’s very poor.



You will lose more people when you don’t take care of yourself.



So what I learned from Sufism and Enneagram, Safi, love yourself more, take care of yourself more, be you, be authentic, be who you are.


And if this is the right time for you to talk and to be heard like I have been doing now for two years, yes, my voice has to be heard and it’s okay even to do mistakes during that because we are all learning in a very long learning journey since we are kids.”



Safy Mousa
Safy Mousa’s approach integrates coaching, mindfulness, and lifestyle considerations, laying the foundation for lasting balance and vitality.



Sufism and the Enneagram – the surrender



Safy Mousa in Enneagram Insights podcast: “Actually, Sufism is playing a lot of roles in my whole life. This is part of me. This is who I am.


This is a kind of my authentic self. In Sufism, there is always surrender. There is always a kind of surrender.



So if you are the cube of ice, and you were thrown to the ocean, you are the ocean. This cube of ice is the ocean, and the ocean is the cube of ice. And when you are there in this ocean, and you surrender, you have the same energy of the ocean. So you are truly very powerful and very connected.



But it’s not by showing the ego. It’s actually by letting the ego go.



It’s actually when you throw everything around your authentic self to be this drop of water that stays in the ocean. The ocean is you, and you are the ocean.



And the Enneagrams points – you are all of them, and you are none of them.



So we are all. We have it all. We have all the keys.



The nine points are all in us. And at the same time, when you are so connected, you are none of them too.



So it’s just a way to understand myself, to answer, for answering the why that it’s always coming from my patterns.



So Sufism and Enneagram, in a way or another, it touched my heart because that was the main concept like I explained it. It’s about surrendering, knowing where you are standing, your ground.



At the same time, you can take the whole world from being a drop of water. You are the ocean.”



Our heritage and healing



Safy Mousa: “The heritage that we are carrying in our genes, I mean, the digestive system, heart system, you know, the blood system and all of that. Its not all we are carrying.



No, it’s carrying the behavior of the family history. It carries all the disappointment.
It carries all the limiting beliefs. We pass all of those even kind of, linguistic structure in certain families that they are very noble and very high.



It’s all passing, passing, passing. And by the way, the more we don’t kind of stop and see what’s happening behind the scene in us and our kids and our father, mother, aunt, it goes more and more.



So if a woman or a man or a child even took the decision, I’m stopping here now to ask the right questions why I’m doing this.



And if you don’t to focus on himself. Enneagram is about focus on yourself. Don’t learn Enneagram and go change other. No.



When you focus on yourself, what will happen is healing through the generation, the past generations, by the way, and the coming generations will definitely take place through you. Yeah.



So you are like a portal. Through this portal, things will change, you know, like a time machine. So when you decide to do that, like a new time machine that has the effect on the past as much as the future.”


Safy Mousa: https://www.safymousa.me/ 


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