Diana Redmond: “The Enneagram addresses the paradox of life”

Diana Redmond

The Enneagram is such a beautiful way of finding out who we really are and addressing the paradoxes of life. I wish for everyone to come into a deep acceptance of themselves and their unique expression.

Diana Redmond in Enneagram Insights podcast



In this episode Flemming Christensen is interviewing Diana Redmond.



She is an American certified Enneagram teacher through the Enneagram Institute and accredited teacher with the International Enneagram Association, speaking at conferences worldwide.



Diana Redmond is a presenter at the IEA Netherlands 2024 and her keynote is called: “Essential Trust: From Control to Surrender”.



She relates to point Nine in the Enneagram and believes that radical acceptance of self and others offers a powerful backdrop for meaningful change.



Podcast interview



Listen to Enneagram Insights podcast and hear about:



✔️ How Diana Redmond feels like both a seeker and a finder



✔️ The importance of attuning to spirit, our higher power or the greater intelligence that the Enneagram so well speaks to through the three centers. Diana thinks that it is powerful to embrace that and is drawn to the deeper underpinnings of life.



✔️ The movement from Control to Surrender.



✔️ Diana Redmond´s  Enneagram journey. On EnneaCrossings™ and her work with Roxanne Howe- Murphy and Deep Living Lab.



✔️ The Enneagram as a way of finding out who we are, really, and addressing the paradox of living in these two dimensions, our fundamental finite and infinite nature.





A seeker



Flemming Christensen: “Who is Diana? Maybe what is Diana? If you should choose kind of a middle name for yourself, that will tell everything about you. What would that be?”



Diana Redmond: “What a great question. You know, the name that comes to me is a spiritual name that my first teacher gave me, which is Chudala.



And it’s a name from the Hindu tradition. And it’s about a queen who taught her husband, the king, the secret of renunciation.



The idea is, as I would say it, there’s nothing we need to renounce. Thinking we need to give up the pleasures of the world and give up our life in some way is really not necessary nor helpful.



It’s that tendency to look outside of ourselves to seek for a promising something’ that is already here. I have been a seeker for many years. So it certainly fits my profile.”



Flemming Christensen: “So it could also be Diana Seeker Redmond?”


Diana Redmond: “It could be. It could be. I do sometimes like to think not quite as much a seeker, but a finder. That’s sometimes true.”



Innate intelligence



Diana Redmond: “What I’ve found is that the more we think we know, the less we do.



Being receptive to the wisdom from diverse teachers and people, regardless of their background, acknowledges the innate intelligence available within each of us.



As a coach or Enneagram teacher, those who I’m working with are just as much teachers as they are students . We play both roles.



We walk a given path until we realize that we need to step off the path to embrace it all.



I think the Enneagram has this wonderful way of bringing awareness to our tendencies, the way we think the way we feel. and the way we take in our experience.



And then at some point of being able to let go and really get that the Enneagram and all these tendencies do not define us.“

Deep Acceptance



Diana Redmond: “I think the Enneagram is just such a beautiful way of finding out who we really are, and addressing, the paradoxes of life.



I wish for everyone to come into a deep acceptance of living in these two dimensions, our fundamental finite and infinite nature.”








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