Julie Harris: Coming into contact with Essence

Julie Harris

I’m teaching a lot about these underlying emotions in each center, of anger, shame, grief, and fear, which is something that gets talked about in the Enneagram world. But I realized, I don’t think that I’ve ever been to a class where I’ve really worked with those emotions. Julie Harris


Interview with Julie Harris


Julie Harris is an American Integral Coach, a Breathwork Facilitator, an Enneagram Teacher and Yoga teacher.



In this episode of Enneagram Insights podcast she talks to Flemming Christensen about her Enneagram vision.



Julie Harris relates to point six in the Enneagram.



She is interested in presence, compassion, practice and the integration of the mind, heart and body.



Julie Harris is the keynote speaker af the IEA conference in Amsterdam in June of 2024. Her keynote is entitled “The Paradox of Movement into Beyond”.



Julie Harris Quotes from the podcast episode

Contact with Essence



Julie Harris: “Purpose and meaning are things that we discover as we come more deeply into contact with our Essence.



I’m helping people to come into contact with themselves in a more three-centered way, from a more wide open space of possibility.



Essence connects us to the plane of potential.”



Many traditions and wisdom streams


Julie Harris: “I’ve studied and worked with different strands of wisdom. At Point Six, I’m very interested in the integration of different wisdom streams.

And I’m always looking for like, “oh, isn’t this fascinating that people are saying a version of the same thing, but in their own language.”



I like to bring those different strands together in a particular way that’s going to meet the client. I enjoy personally and professionally going on inner and outer journeys; getting experiences in the inner and outer journeys is how we discover who we are, and what wants to come through us.



My base is about bringing people and ideas into form. That is really the essence of what I do. And the Enneagram is a foundational part of that for me.



I’m a very multidisciplinary person.”



The emotions of each center



Julie Harris: “I’m teaching a lot about these underlying emotions in each center, of anger, shame, grief, and fear, which is something that gets talked about in the Enneagram world.



But I realized, I don’t think that I’ve ever been to a class where I’ve really worked with those emotions.



The past few years, I’ve been on a little bit of a kick of studying with people around anger, around grief, and trying to bring that information together because I think we have a lot of misunderstandings, like ”it’s not spiritual to be angry.”


I want to re-constellate that for people, like “what is the purpose of anger in our lives and what is it telling us?”



Julie Harris Riverbend coaching
Julie Harris is the founder of Riverbend Coaching.



Keynote in Amsterdam



Julie Harris is speaking at the IEA Conference in Amsterdam in June. In Enneagram Insights podcast she elaborates on her keynote:



“My keynote is entitled “The Paradox of Movement into Beyond”.



When I thought about “beyond”, it felt to me like the important part of it is “beyond my current understanding or experience.”



I was thinking of it more like a paradigm shift, more like a shock point that’s going to take me to a completely new way of inhabiting myself.



And when I do that, I see the world through different eyes.



This is the idea of, say, the levels of development or the development of consciousness, in that it’s a qualitative change in how you meet the world.



We usually think of “beyond” in a very conceptual way.



So the paradox of moving beyond is that we need to learn how to stay deeply right here.”

Conference: People on a journey



Flemming Christensen: “What do you hope for the IEA conference in Amsterdam?”



Julie Harris: “I love going on a journey and I love t taking people on a journey.



And so I hope people will be interested in going on the journey that I have planned for them in my keynote speech.



And yeah, the second thing is that I’m just, I’m really excited. There are some different speakers at the conference that I’m not so familiar with. And I feel like this team is really trying to put together something unique.



And so I’m really interested, not only to see people that I already know, but that there’s a lot of people there who I’m just getting introduced to their work.



I’m really looking forward to making contact with those folks.”






Julie Harris Riverbend Coaching



7.-9. juni IEA Conference in Amsterdam

“Stepping forward and beyond”


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