Flemming Christensen

Blind Spots the enneagram

How to find and accept your Blind Spots

The Enneagram is about accepting your blind spots.  Actually seeing what is preventing you from a real life. For me it’s like taking my type and putting it aside a little bit.  And see how is life like when my type is not running the show all the time. But I have to accept part

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#020 – Let go and create space for something new

Let go of your attachments and identification   Sometimes when we let go, the space for something new is created. But what does it mean to let go, and what is it we are letting go of?   Sometimes we let go of the attachment to an idea, and when we do that often, we

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The Don Riso Challenge - Flemming Christensen

The Don Riso Challenge: Live as one type per month!

Do we change the type in the Enneagram, or do we just grow more self-awareness and understand that we mistakenly saw ourselves in the wrong type? This article is about how I though that Enneagram Type 5 was where I belonged in the Enneagram, but the Don Riso Challenge changed my mind. What is the

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Body of Enneagram Type 3 - Flemming Christensen

Perfect somatic timing – The body of Enneagram Type 3

Every type in Enneagram is represented in what is called the three centers. And you can master or balance all three centers depending on what type you relate to the most. In this article, I will write about the somatic or body-center of Enneagram Type 3. The three centers of the Enneagram If you have

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Blind spot and blind types - Flemming Christensen

Enneagram blind Spot, Shadows and Enneagram blind Types

The book “The enneagram and why your blind type matters” have now been out in bookstores and online shops for three months. Several readers are sending me questions about the blind Enneagram type and until now, I have received most questions about the difference between a blind Enneagram spot / shadows and blind Enneagram type.

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Finding a teacher - Flemming Christensen

Finding an Enneagram teacher

It is said that the student will not find the teacher, but the teacher will appear or find the student when the student is ready. For me, I have both been looking for teachers, and teachers have also entered my life exactly when I needed specific teaching. I am writing this both as a Enneagram

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Understanding Your Blind Spot in Relationships

Are you in a personal relationship? Do you ever feel like there’s something blind to you – or your partner – preventing the connection from going deeper? If so, then it might be time to take a look at your relationship blind spots and how they are impacting your personal relationships. Blind spots within relationships

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Enneagram video 3 / 3

Combining the original teaching of the Enneagram with modern psychology creates an Enneagram Life Theme. Your Enneagram Life Theme is a psychological pattern you have brought with you in all your professional and personal relationships. Understanding those patterns you will build new skills to create and maintain healthy relationships. This is the third video in

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Enneagram video 2 / 3

Feedback and experiences from more than 440 students are now included in the training program. Understanding your blind Enneagram type can become a new path to building new skills using the Enneagram. Video about how to find your blind Enneagram type This is the second video in my mini-series about the new workshop based on

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Enneagram video 1 / 3 about the power of your blind Enneagram type

Understanding your blind Enneagram type will bring you a deeper understanding of people around you who is having your blind type as their primary type. The series of three Enneagram videos will guide you to a deeper understanding of the power of your blind Enneagram type. Enneagram video explaining the power of your blind type

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Books about the Enneagram

The Best Enneagram Books: Great books that I recommend

Are you looking for books to get a deeper understanding of the Enneagram, or have you already done some exploration about the Enneagram and want to stay updated about the new book titles about the Enneagram? Then this article will help you find your way among some of the best sellers, classics “must-reads” and the

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Next Next Generation - Flemming Christensen 1200 x 600

Why I support the next next generation

I strongly believe that the next generation should be empowered and supported in order to make a positive impact on society. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience with the younger generations who will soon be leading and guiding us. But how is that done without becoming blind to my own ideas? Introduction

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Where did they learn it - video - Flemming Christensen and Russ Hudson

Where did the ”fathers of the Enneagram” get their experience from?

Watch this video about the origin of the teachings for Gurdjieff and Oscar and thereby also the origin of the teaching most Enneagram enthusiasts have received. This video is part of a year long program called “Conversation with my teacher”, where I ask Russ Hudson to explain topics not so commonly known by Enneagram students.

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Leadership blind spot and Enneagram blind type

Are blind spots and blind types the same in the Enneagram?

When using the Enneagram in leadership training, we often talk about leadership blind spots and Enneagram blind spots for the types. But is that the same as Enneagram blind type, and if not, what is the difference?   Leadership blind spots are certain areas of your leadership personality, where you are unaware of your appearance

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Do we need more books about the Enneagram?

Do we need another book about the Enneagram?

Every week we see a new book about the Enneagram, and one could think, “Do we need more books about the Enneagram” or “What new is there to write about?”. In this article, I will explain why I wrote the book “The Enneagram and why your blind type matters” and why I think we need

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Hidden Key - Flemming Christensen

More keys to the Enneagram to work on your primary type

Most students of the Enneagram work on their primary Enneagram type, building a large vocabulary about how the type communicates, receives feedback, navigates in professional and private relationships, handles pressure, etc. When you include your understanding of your blind Enneagram type, you will discover new potential valuable keys to the Enneagram and to your personal

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The Practical Enneagram by Rezzan Huseyin

Interview by Rezzan Huseyin about the new book

This interview with Rezzan Huseyin evolved into an interesting conversation, being more a conversation between to Enneagram-enthusiasts, than a formal interview. Based on a new book, “The Enneagram and why your blind type matters” we talked about “blind Enneagram types” and how being blind in one type and not another, shapes our assumptions for us.

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Do we need a new book - video - Flemming Christensen

Do we need a new book about the Enneagram?

Why do we need a new book about the Enneagram, and what could you benefit from reading the book? In this video, you can get a quick intro to how the covid-19 pandemic opened up a new way of working with the Enneagram and how 400 students found new keys to unlocking their work with

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Why do we search for meaning by Russ Hudson and Flemming Christensen

Russ Hudson about searching for meaning

In this interview with Russ Hudson, we are talking about why we are searching for meaning and purpose in life. We all need a sense of meaning and purpose in life, and without we will have a greater sense of difficulties, frustrations, pain, and dissatisfaction. With the sense of meaning also comes handling difficulties more

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