Understanding Your Blind Spot in Relationships

Are you in a personal relationship? Do you ever feel like there’s something blind to you – or your partner – preventing the connection from going deeper? If so, then it might be time to take a look at your relationship blind spots and how they are impacting your personal relationships.

Blind spots within relationships can be an obstacle to achieving happiness and satisfaction. They can prevent us from recognizing our partner’s needs and feelings or even understanding our own emotions. Understanding these blind spots is essential for personal growth and development, as well as improving communication with those we care about.


Are relationship blind spots the same as blind Enneagram type?

Being blind to some of your personal traits is a central element of both relationship blind spots and blind Enneagram types. The relationship blind spots are areas where you and/or your partner are particularly blind, preventing the relationship from thriving fully. Your blind Enneagram type contains neglected areas of your range of skills or talents that can be developed to create a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in both your private and professional life.


(click here to read more about the Enneagram blind type workshop)


In this blog post, we will explore what blind spots in relationships are, why they exist, and how to identify them. We’ll also discuss the importance of healthy relationships and how to cultivate thriving relationships. Lastly, we’ll look at the importance of personal growth and development within relationships and provide some tips for doing so.


What is a relationship blind spot?

Let’s start by defining what a relationship blind spot is. A relationship blind spot can be defined as an area or aspect of oneself that one is unable to see clearly or objectively due to ignorance, inexperience, prejudice, or a lack of self-awareness. They are areas that require exploration in order for us to grow as individuals and form healthier connections with those around us.


Typical relationship blind spots can be:


1. Different communication styles

One person may prefer direct communication while the other uses more passive-aggressive tactics; this can create confusion and lead to blind spots.


2. Emotional distance

If one person is withholding their true feelings, it can be difficult for the other person to understand their needs and wants.


3. Unmet expectations

When two people have different expectations for a relationship, this can cause frustration and a lack of understanding about how each other operates.


4. Lack of trust

Without trust, it’s hard to open up and be vulnerable with someone; this means that both people may not feel comfortable sharing all aspects of themselves, which could create blind spots in communication between them.


5. Cultural differences

Different cultural backgrounds can mean different values and beliefs; if these are unrecognized or ignored, it can lead to blind spots in communication.


6. Negative experiences

If one partner has had a difficult experience with relationships in the past, this can affect how they interact in their current relationship; for example, if they’ve been hurt before, they may not be as open or honest, which could lead to blind spots.


7. Status differences

Power dynamics can create unspoken boundaries and expectations that aren’t clearly communicated; this can lead to confusion and misunderstandings between partners.


8. Insecurity

If one person feels insecure about themselves or the relationship, it may cause them to hold back information which could lead to blind spots.


9. Fear of conflict

Some people are scared of conflict and may be hesitant to express their true feelings or needs; this can lead to blind spots in communication.


10. Overlooking details

One person may not take the time to pay attention to subtle differences between them, which could create a lack of understanding.


11. Assumptions

If two people assume that they know what the other person is thinking, it can lead to miscommunication and misunderstandings, which can create blind spots in their relationship. You can use the Enneagram to understand the 9 fundamental assumptions that drive our behavior.


(read more about Enneagram assumptions in the book The Enneagram and why your blind type matters)


12. Lack of patience

If one partner doesn’t have enough patience to really listen and understand the other person, it can cause confusion and a lack of understanding between them.


13. Paying too much attention

On the opposite end of the spectrum, if one person pays too much attention to details and doesn’t give enough time to get a full understanding of the situation, this can lead to blind spots.


14. Not being honest

If someone isn’t open or honest with their partner, it can be difficult for them to understand the other person’s perspective, which could lead to blind spots in communication.


15. Unresolved issues

Unresolved issues from past relationships or life experiences can affect how two people communicate; these unresolved issues can create confusion and misunderstandings, which may lead to blind spots between partners.


16. Unhealthy behaviors

If one person is exhibiting unhealthy behaviors such as manipulation or gaslighting, the other person may not recognize this and could be unaware of how their partner is affecting them. This could lead to blind spots in communication between them.


17. Lack of self-awareness

If one partner isn’t aware of their own emotions or motivations, it can make it harder for the other person to understand them; this can cause a lack of understanding which may result in blind spots.


18. Different interests

If two people have different interests or hobbies that they don’t share with each other, it could lead to misunderstandings and blind spots in communication.


Why does blind spots exist in our relationship?

Now let’s take a look at why these blind spots exist in our relationships. Most people perceive their partner through the lens of their own subjective beliefs and values, which often lead them to ignore essential aspects of their partner’s character. Additionally, many couples fail to recognize that each person in a relationship is unique and has different needs and wants. These differing perspectives can lead to misunderstandings or miscommunication, which can cause one or both people in the relationship to feel unheard or unimportant.


How do you identify relationship blind spots?

So how do we identify our blind spots? Taking time to pay attention to what triggers us at the moment is an important step in identifying and understanding our blind spots. Especially understanding your Enneagram blind type will help you explore your triggers and aversions. Reflecting on our reactions objectively allows us to gain insight into what we may be missing out on due to our own ignorance or inexperience. We can also ask for feedback from those close to us by asking them open-ended questions about how they perceive us and any areas where they think we could improve.


(click here to understand the difference between blind Enneagram type and relationship blind spots)


Are you ready to cultivate a healthy relationship?

Now let’s look at how to cultivate a healthy relationship. A healthy relationship is one that is based on honesty, trust, communication, and mutual respect. It is essential for both partners to be open and honest about their feelings and needs in order to create an environment of understanding and support. Additionally, it is important for couples to take the time to engage in activities together that bring them joy as well as practice active listening when communicating with each other.


Once a foundation of trust has been established within a relationship, it can then become thriving instead of merely surviving. This starts with creating shared goals such as traveling or starting a business venture together; having something you are working towards together strengthens the bond between a couple. Taking the time to practice self-care and focus on personal growth is also important in order to bring your best self into the relationship.


Finally, let’s end with a call to action: take the time to reflect on yourself, your partner, and your relationship and identify any blind spots that may be preventing you from deepening your connection. Be open to learning new things about yourself, as well as listening more deeply and communicating more openly with your partner. Through this process of self-reflection and communication, you can develop strong relationships based on mutual trust and understanding. So don’t wait any longer – start exploring those blind spots today!


Why wait?

Don’t wait any longer – start exploring those blind spots today! Make sure to take the time to reflect on yourself, your partner, and your relationship and identify any blind spots that may be preventing you from deepening your connection. Be open to learning new things about yourself, as well as listening more deeply and communicating more openly with your partner. Through this process of self-reflection and communication, you can develop strong relationships based on mutual trust and understanding.


Thus, having an awareness of our personal blind spots is essential in order to cultivate healthy relationships. Identifying areas where we need to make changes or focus on our personal growth enables us to build stronger connections with those around us and create thriving partnerships instead of merely surviving ones. So don’t be afraid to take the time to explore your blind spots – you never know what you may find.


Being aware of our personal blind spots is an important part of personal growth and development, as well as having healthy relationships. Identifying these areas allows us to gain insight into ourselves and create strong bonds with those around us based on mutual understanding and trust. Don’t hesitate to take the time to reflect on yourself, your partner, and your relationship in order to identify any areas where improvement could be made or further exploration could occur. Through this process of self-reflection and communication, we can develop meaningful connections that lead to thriving partnerships instead of merely surviving ones.


Enneagram books

You can enjoy a sneak peek of 50 pages from the new book about blind type here: Download free pages from the book The Enneagram and why your blind type matters.

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