New groundbreaking
Enneagram Training

The Enneagram and why your blind type matters

Join us in the new groundbreaking online program about the Enneagram and why your blind type matters. Unique Enneagram training by one of the leading experts in the Enneagram.


Uncover your hidden talents by understanding the power of your blind Enneagram type.

Starting 4th of February 2025


Discover your the power of your blind Enneagram type

Have you ever wondered what your blind Enneagram type is and why it’s so important? 


Every human being has a blind side, something they don’t know or may not even be aware of. But with the right training, you can unlock the power of this hidden part of yourself and tap into a deeper understanding of who you are.


You blind Enneagram type stores neglected human skills waiting to be uncovered and brought into action.

By combining the traditional teachings of the Enneagram with Flemming Christensen’s expertise and insight, this training offers a truly unique learning experience.


This Enneagram training is the only one of its kind that focuses on exploring and understanding your blind Enneagram type, while still enabling you to appreciate the other eight types. It provides a holistic approach to learning about the Enneagram and its impact on our lives.


Get ready to embark on a journey of profound self-discovery and personal growth, and uncover the power of your blind type!  Sign up now to unlock the true potential of your Enneagram training.

This Enneagram training will
help you with

  • Building a more precise understanding of your type
  • Explore new keys to open up your human potential
  • Learn new tools for coaching, teaching and leadership
  • Discover all elements of your personal skills
  • Understand why part of your personality is ‘blind’ to you
  • Discover the hidden gems in the new book
  • Combine the original teachings with modern psychology
  • Manage your life theme by integrating your ‘blind’ type

Next course will begin
February 4th 2025

The course will take place on the following dates:


04 FEB 2025

18 FEB 2025

04 MAR 2025

18 MAR 2025

01 APR 2025

15 APR 2025

The training is online live from 7pm to 10pm CET/CEST (Copenhagen, Denmark time). If, for some reason you cannot participate, the teaching will be recorded, and you will have access to edited videos after the sessions.

Prices from

290 USD

Description of
the training

Until now, Enneagram training has primarily focused on ‘finding your type’ and working with the elements of ‘your type’. In other words, you have dismissed the other eight types and their collection of human capacities and abilities, and you have especially continued to stay blind to the type most unrecognized by you.


This training is about revealing the complete and wholeness of the Enneagram by teaching about the specifics of your ‘blind’ Enneagram type and how that type represents human qualities and abilities, psychological skills and resources, and transpersonal perspective, which you can access.


You will take your understanding of the Enneagram to a new level and, at the same time, receive coaching about your own dynamics between your individual ‘primary’ and ‘blind’ Enneagram type.

What is
included in
the training

Book your seat at the course now

  • Online training will be 6 modules from 7 PM to 10 PM CET.
  • A total of 40 hours of training, study, and assessment and a diploma / certificate of participation at the end of the training. Use the 40 in your Enneagram Accreditation.
  • Edited recording from each session (where we, on request, edit out student’s personal sharings).
  • Pre-material consists of suggested reading and online quizzes to prepare you for the training. This is suggested preparation and not mandatory.
  • Personal coaching for some students who volunteer to be coached by Flemming Christensen for demonstration and learning purposes for the whole group of participants. These coaching demonstrations will be part of the recorded videos available for students afterward.
  • Free downloads of selected chapters from the book regarding the actual teaching modules.

Book your seat at the course now


Structure of the training

Module One

Learn a more precise and deeper understanding of your ‘primary’ type. This is about how each Enneagram type is a pattern or expression of certain human qualities and abili­ties. Learn how to build a deeper connection to your essential personal gifts and how to integrate these gifts in your life.



Uncover new keys to open up your human capabilities. This is about how all nine Enneagram types contain different keys to enter or open up the parts of your personality, which are the nest or container for specific psychological skills and resources. Learn how to use these keys to access new terri­tories about your deeper psychological competencies and powers.

Module Two

Get introduced to new tools for coaching, leadership, and relationships. This is about exploring new conversation techniques to uncover hidden human capacities and abilities. Learn how to co-create a deeper meaning in the language and narratives used by yourself and others and engage in these well-designed conversation techniques during the training.



Understand why your ‘blind’ type contains human qualities which you have not yet developed. This is about understanding the nature of ‘blind’ human qualities and why we develop some qualities and not others. Learn about the psychological patterns used to keep part of your personality ‘blind’ or ‘hidden’ and learn why we need care, empathy, and compassion when working with our own or others ‘blind’ Enneagram type.

Module Three

How your ‘primary’ type is colored or shaped by your ‘blind’ type. This is about the impact of your ‘blind’ type on your ‘primary’ Enneagram type. The ‘blindness’ or ‘sup­pres­sion’ of part of your personality has an impact on how you engage in activities, relationships, communication, learning, and how you create or formulate meaning in your life. Lear­ning about how your ‘blind’ type impacts your ‘primary’ type will shift your understanding of how to use the Enneagram for more profound work.

Module Four

Combine the original teachings of the Enneagram with modern psychology. This is about how to integrate the work of Ivanovich Gurdjieff and Oscar Ichazo, where their approach were not personality types and more fixations or attachment with the current way of using the Enneagram and the modern psychology around the Enneagram. Learn a com­pletely new language of the original Enneagram that you can integrate with your current understanding of the Enneagram.

Module Five

Manage your Enneagram Life Theme by integrating your ‘blind’ type. This is about how the attachment and identification of your ‘primary’ Enneagram type can be combined with your aversion or frustration of your ‘blind’ Enneagram type resulting in a powerful Enneagram Life Theme, that is coloring most of what you do professionally and privately. Learn how to work with this life theme and unleash the human capacities hidden in your life theme.

Module Six

Building a Program for your own Personal Growth and Development. This is about how to use the insight from the training to build a program for personal growth and development. You can use this in your own personal work or as a coach including the insight from the Blind Enneagram Type in your coaching plans.

Your profile

This training is designed to take your understanding of the Enneagram into a deeper transpersonal place. Before attending, is it expected that you understand the Enneagram and know about the nine types equal to the content of 3 days of basic training.



You will get extra value from the training if you know what type you mostly relate to. Still, it is not a requirement that you ‘know your type’ to benefit from the multiple training elements.


If you know about the Enneagram equivalent to three days of basic training, then this training would be highly valuable to you.

More than 400 students have been part of the initial training about the human qualities for each of the Enneagram points. We have conducted focus groups and coaching of individuals who are experienced practitioners of the Enneagram and based on these studies you will harvest from a large group of experienced Enneagram enthusiasts.

During training, volunteers will receive coaching live by Flemming Christensen. This will be recorded as part of the training, so you will be able to go back to the recorded session and review the method and questions.

This training is done online LIVE to support the Enneagram community in the best possible way. In Denmark, we are conducting a similar program in a 3 day face-to-face training, and we expect others to host Flemming Christensen around the world for face-to-face training.

Your Teacher Flemming Christensen

Flemming Christensen will be your teacher for the whole program. He is the author of the book “The Enneagram and why your blind type matters”, the designer of the training, and your guarantee for professional and practical sessions.


For decades Flemming has been teaching the Enneagram and is the founder of THINK ABOUT IT and The Enneagram Institute of Denmark. He is internationally recognized for combining the original teachings of the Enneagram with modern psychology in leadership, team development, coaching, personal growth, and relationships.


He a famous for his Scandinavian Teaching Approach that ensures a high level of learning and well-documented satisfaction. (click here to read more about Flemming Christensen)

The teacher Flemming Christensen

Early bird price - book now!

Early bird price at this discounted price before October 1st, 2024 – non refundable

290 USD

Book now and join us

Book your set and join us in the groundbreaking workshop about The Enneagram and blind types.

580 USD

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to contact us here

+45 70 27 80 60