How do you embrace imperfections?

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Peter O’Hanrahan: “The Enneagram is a remarkable way for us to wake up”

The Enneagram is a remarkable way to wake up. Mr. Gurdjief would talk about waking up or self-remembering. To remember our deeper selves. Or at least that there is a deeper self in there. It may take some work to get to it. But to use the Enneagram to understand our patterns of personality.  

Enneagram Type 8 - Archetypes

Enneagram Type 8: Strengths and Challenges Explored

Enneagram Type 8 balances energy and vulnerability and focuses on aliveness. They are driven by pushing boundaries to protect their sensitive core. Enneagram Type 8 in all of us Enneagram Type 8 is the part of our personality about energy, vitality, and aliveness. To deeply sense and express our energy, vitality, and aliveness, we also