Will you give up Freedom for Selfcare?
I don’t know if Kindness, Honesty, Freedom, Wisdom, Generosity and Selfcare are virtues, skills, principles or capacities. But they are essential elements in a human being.
If these elements are virtues, they could be considered a state built by hard and dedicated work on oneself.
If they are to be considered skills, you might have had a master showing you the way.
If they are principles, you would have learned to take the consequences of those principles.
And if they are capacities, you might have let go of some other capacities to build these ones.
Together they would have needed hard and dedicated work, a master’s guidance, consequences in your life and the wisdom of letting go.
Also you would have to spend time on balancing them, as this week’s question is an invitation to do.
If you should choose then what is most important to you?
A: Kindness or B: Honesty?
C: Freedom or D: Wisdom?
E: Generosity or F: Selfcare?
And when you have chosen between A and B, C and D and E and F, then choose between:
The winner of A or B or the winner of C and D?
The winner of A or B or the winner of E and F?
The winner of E or F or the winner of C and D?
For me, Kindness or Generosity always wins.
Your weekly question
This week’s question is about how you rate the importance of some essential virtues. Here are some questions for you:
- Is Kindness more important than Selfcare for you?
- Or what about Freedom? Is Freedom giving you what you want?
- Do you have room for Generosity?
- And what are the consequences of being Honest?
Your weekly quote
The virtues you choose to embody will mirror your character and your journey.
Your weekly recommended reading
Get inspiration about your virtues from Khaled ElSherbini
Read the book by Sandra Maitri about Virtues and the Enneagram