Knowing my Enneagram at point One has actually taught me that there is no such thing as perfection. That if there is anything that comes close to perfection, it is imperfect. So it has taught me to be comfortable with my perfectly imperfect self, and to be comfortable being uncomfortable in a perfectly imperfect world.
Dr. Deborah Egerton on Imperfection as an Enneagram point One
Charlotte Haase interviewed Dr. Deborah Egerton for the podcast “Enneagram Insights – On Awareness, Presence and Relationships”.
Dr. Deborah Egerton is a distinguished Enneagram Teacher and Psychotherapist as well as a bestselling author and an Enneagram Activist on the subject of inclusion, diversity and anti-rasicm.
She was asked our signature question:
“What has the Enneagram taught you about being human?”
In this blogpost you can read her answer.
To know better – is to do better
Charlotte Haase: “What has the Enneagram taught you about being human?”
Dr. Deborah Egerton:
“Because of the Enneagram I feel like I have explored so much of who I am.
And yet it’s just such a little bit.
The more I study, the more I grow, the more I realize that I don’t know a single thing.
And, and that is humbling and empowering at the same time.
So I’m just grateful to have the Enneagram in my life to help me understand that it’s okay to recognize that I don’t know what I don’t know.
But when I know better, as Maya Angelou always said, when I know better, I do better.”
Listen to the interview with Dr. Deborah Egerton here.
The Inner Critic can be mean
Charlotte Haase: “And har knowing you Enneagram type or point also taught you something about being human?”
Dr. Deborah Egerton: “Oh, heavens. You didn’t have to add that. Yeah.” (Laughing).
“Knowing my Enneagram at point One has actually taught me that there is no such thing as perfection.
That if there is anything that comes close to perfection, it is imperfect.
So it has taught me to be comfortable with my perfectly imperfect self, and to be comfortable being uncomfortable in a perfectly imperfect world.
It’s also taught me to tell that inner critic, who can be awfully mean sometimes, to just sit in the corner and leave me be.
And to give me some peace.
Because at any given moment on any given day, I’m just another human, another spiritual being living in a human body doing the very best that I can:
So, inner critic, don’t beat me up.”
Read Russ Hudson´s answer to what the Enneagram has taught him about being human here