Shatha Mahmoud: The purpose behind life is to reconnect

Shatha Mahmoud

When I met the the Enneagram, it was as if it was the cheat sheet of knowing people, on how they function and how they operate in this life. I felt I had the key now. It was also a key to become true and committed. It is hard work but you will get out of living in the autopilot mode. It’s worth it.



Flemming Christensen is interviewing Shatha Mahmoud about the Enneagram and her journey.



She relates to the Enneagram type 5 and is the co-founder of “WESAL,” an organization that guides and empowers clients throughout their life journey using various modalities and tools.



Shatha Mahmoud is an IEA Accredited Enneagram Professional, Reiki Master, and Certified Coach.



She aims to help individuals explore their struggles, identify their true selves, and achieve personal growth.



Shatha Mahmoud is presenting a talk on teaching with Rania Hussain at the coming IEA conference in Cairo.



Interview in Enneagram Insights podcast



In this episode of Enneagram Insights Flemming Christensen and Shatha Mahmoud talk about:



✔️ The purpose of reconnection with ourselves, with life, the divine and people around us.



✔️ Shatma Mahmoud´s journey out of a severe depression and living on autopilot. The key of the Enneagram to open new parts of herself and set a new path.



✔️ About having balance in the three centers and being a good teacher.



✔️ We are social beings who need each other.



✔️ The IEA conference in Cairo and what to expect.




You can listen to the conversation on all podcast apps. Remember to follow Enneagram Insights podcast, so you will receive news on new episodes. 



Shatha Mahmoud Quotes


Shatma Mahmoud: “When I met the the Enneagram and the types it was as if it was the cheat sheet of knowing people, on how they function and how they operate in this life. I felt I had the key now.”



Flemming Christensen: “Okay. Let’s talk a little bit about this key. What will it open for people? What do you think it would open for people to have that key?”



Shatha Mahmoud: “To be true to yourself and to be committed. And go and meet yourself with a very fresh eye. They will see the self they are prepared to see. Because we have layers of self. Each self will reveal itself in the proper time.”



Flemming Christensen: “It sounds like hard work?”



Shatha Mahmoud: “Yes it is hard work. But you will get out of living in the autopilot mode. It’s worth it.”




A possible book title



Flemming Christensen: “If you should write a book – what should be its title?”



Shatma Mahmoud: “The meaning of life. With the subtitle The reason behind it all”.




Teaching and a singing and hopeful heart



Flemming Christensen: “I remember that we had a conversation this is a couple of months ago and you and Rania Hussein were just done with some teaching.



You were both so happy you were so excited – your hearts were singing.



What actually happened to bring you in that mood?”



Shatha Mahmoud: “Something happened in the class with our students that gave me the possibility to actually walk my path.



They were being so true to themselves and committed and persistent. It was just as if they were opening the gate for me to enter.



It was like finding myself and finally finding my purpose in life – speaking out.



I’m not here talking about being a super man or super woman – no I’m just asking to give help and support.



I felt my heart sing.



The changes, I see throughout the course in them gives me hope that we can start seeing life from a different perspective and reconnect with ourselves and each other”.


The Enneagram for Young Adults



Shatha Mahmoud: “I would wish for the young adults to start from the beginning to help them avoid all what we have gone through to be and to enter to get introduced to Enneagram.



I wish the Enneagram to become an essential thing in life early on – by seeing oneself and understanding what we are.



I’m not here talking about the children. I love how they are pure.  We should give the children the space to be whatever they are – and then later help them twist and to adjust what happens.”


IEA Egypt enneagram
IEA Egypt Conference 2024: Remember What you are.


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